Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Where else to do Timepass.

The Indibloggies might interest you. No? Not even the Indifloggies?

At times, one feels like making unsolicited revelations. On things such as the blogs one likes most[1]:
The Middle Stage by Chandrahas Choudhury
India Uncut by Amit Varma
Jabberwock by Jai Arjun Singh
Recursive Hypocrisy by Nilakantan Ramarajan (Nilu)

Of course, everyone knows about the cricinfo blogs. Do we really need anymore on cricket after looking at that? Er, and this blog.

Other blogs one likes[2]:
Atanu Dey on India's Development
Random Thoughts of a Demented Mind by Arnab (GreatBong)
My other shoes are Manolos by Shoe Fiend

[1] - Check more than once a day, have read all posts in archives.
[2] - Check only once in a while now but used to follow regularly in the past, have read all posts in archives.

1 comment:

Gade said...

thanks for providing the list....

Middlestage is pretty impressive.
